

3 Steps to Bust Through Roadblocks of Inadequacy and Jealousy in Serving God

At times the hards we wrestle are not circumstances, but questions. One of those questions asks, “How can I, with all my shortcomings and issues, be effective in the kingdom of heaven? How can I, with my background, life experiences, and limitations, serve God and others?” Two roadblocks hindering our service are feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. Apprehensions of “not good enough” can stem from what we perceive about ourselves, or perhaps others have told us. We lack in education...

Facing Hard Changes? Take His Hand

Difficult transitions into new seasons can spark a hard. Taking a giant step from the comfortable, security of the known into the discomfort and shaky unknown pours fear, sorrow, and insecurity into our soul. Waiting in the family van to retrieve a son from a late-running ball practice, the reality of an upcoming change sunk in deep. Thankful for the darkness and storm smearing the windshield, obscuring the sorrow that rained down my face, a deep lamenting began. “Lord, this...