

Surviving Suffocating Layers of Difficulty

Proven often during a lifetime, ungracious hards pile up in layers, one heaping atop another. Many experience this with the pandemic. People already struggling with difficult situations had another layer added when the virus spread. Despite the dissension over aspects of Covid-19, we all agree on one thing: the results make life difficult. From sickness to unemployment to malaise. From nightmare schedules to loneliness to financial distress. As these difficulties pile more layers to already existing struggles, we begin to...

Is God as Sick and Tired of My Weakness as I Am?

“God, are You annoyed by my wavering? Fed up with my struggling? Do You tire of my wrestling the same beast over and over, never getting full victory? Do You shake your head at my weakness?”  This conversation with God comes and goes along our journey. We ourselves become jaded with an ongoing battle or shortcoming. And then wonder if God too grows weary. Is He tired of us bringing our issues to Him? Does He roll His eyes when...

Dealing with Repeat Offenders

Some days a hard develops just showing grace to rude strangers. To be forgiving to an acquaintance being “all about me”. To tolerate a slight from someone we respect. But. A real hard ensues and intensifies when needing grace and forgiveness, again, for one close to us. For one we have walked this journey with for years. Whom we know well. Who knows us well. We face the hard of showing grace when challenged with “another”. Another display of selfishness....

Why Does God Let Hards Linger?

Hards we face in life come in varying degrees: the searing storms that threaten to consume us, and “lesser hards” that, tho they are not as serious and intense, can be difficult to handle. Especially when they hang around for a prolonged period of time:      A clashing relationship with no resolution in sight.      No relief from chronic pain.      Praying for direction, but the heavens stand silent.      Working an underpaid, under-appreciated job.  ...

The Answer to a Profound Question

The question is: “Who is God?” Perhaps the foundation of all questions. A basic, yet critical inquiry that echos through the hearts of generations. Has this question lurked in your mind or passed your lips? A solid answer exists. A disclosure not coming from man’s understanding, perspective or experience. But straight from God. His self-proclamation. You want to know who God is? He proclaims in Exodus 34:5-7, “This is who I am.”  “Then the Lord came down in the cloud...

How to Respond to Hurtful People in our Lives

We choose many things in our lives. What we wear to our chosen place to dine. Where we hang out. How we earn a living. But there are many things we do not choose. The weather each day. The family into which we are born. What crises and troubles befall us. Our tribe gathered this past week-end for a celebration. Posted pictures depict faces full of love and laughter. But each smile represents individuals with very different stories, living through...

Firefly Graces

As we traverse the first year anniversary of my husband’s open heart surgery, we are flooded with memories, many unpleasant to recall. Yet, we remain overwhelmed with how God’s grace covered us from the first twinge signaling something amiss, to four months later exiting through the rehab door for the final time. Grace: the freely given and unmerited favor and love of God. Blessing: a special favor, mercy or gift bestowed by God.  Those months filled to the brim with...