

Grab Hold of God’s Promises

At times, during a difficult season or storm, God’s promises are hard to remember, let alone to grasp and hold onto. On an early morning trek around the track, I jogged out from under tree cover and looked up, surprised to see a rainbow. Surprised because it hung in the western sky early in the morning, as opposed to the eastern sky in late afternoon, when most storms roll through leaving the color-filled bow. A dark cloud covered the very...

A Song of Hope for your Hard

When we face a hard, from daily struggles to overwhelming pain and sorrow, we long for comfort. For encouragement. A source exists at our fingertips, available to us at any time, straight from the heart of our Father God. The Scripture presents a love-packed story, from cover to cover, from God to His people; including passage after passage of comfort and encouragement. One of those scriptures, a familiar psalm, has entire books written to explore its depths, yet takes on...