

Is God as Sick and Tired of My Weakness as I Am?

“God, are You annoyed by my wavering? Fed up with my struggling? Do You tire of my wrestling the same beast over and over, never getting full victory? Do You shake your head at my weakness?”  This conversation with God comes and goes along our journey. We ourselves become jaded with an ongoing battle or shortcoming. And then wonder if God too grows weary. Is He tired of us bringing our issues to Him? Does He roll His eyes when...

Hello? Is Anybody Listening?

Unanswered prayer. Whether for self or standing in the gap for others, we pray for healing. Reconciliation. Direction. Salvation. And nothing. Is. Happening. Or perhaps worse, the opposite of our request comes to pass. Is God listening? Have I missed something? Am I praying “wrong”? Is there any point? We lost two very close friends to cancer. We have a photo, now precious to us, of them sitting with us and their spouses on our couch celebrating a new year;...

4 Ways to Defeat Doubt

Doubt. To be uncertain. To distrust and be apprehensive. Doubt makes us hesitant and reluctant, freezing us in our tracks or sending us crawling back under the covers. Doubts threaten to keep us undecided and stagnant in belief. Faith and trust stand firm as the antitheses to doubt. Aiming this double-barrel shotgun at our doubts sends them scurrying. But sometimes, our weapons are misplaced and we stand unarmed, feeling confused, prone to uncertainty, skepticism and anxiety. We traipse through difficult...