Give thanks? Even in “this”?

November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving. A crushing hard. How do these mesh? God’s Word encourages us to “give thanks in all circumstances” and to “always give thanks for everything”. Does that include this mess? This pain? When darkness seeps in and our dreams lay shattered. When finances are wrecked, our hope stagnant, our bodies diseased and broken. Being thankful seems a far stretch and somewhat ludicrous. Nothing in our circumstance stirs thankfulness.

Yet, living with a thankful heart is important to the Lord. In the Old Testament, God instructed His people to give regular thank offerings. During great celebrations, people were “chosen and designated by name” to give thanks to the Lord, while priests followed instructions to “give thanks and praise the Lord” every morning and evening. Choirs assembled with the task of giving thanks. The Psalms ring with admonition to give thanks to the Lord. And, the thankfulness theme continues throughout the New Testament with Jesus’ and Paul’s consistent examples and teachings. 

Ready cheerfulness or bubbling-over giddiness don’t necessarily reflect a heart of praise. Praise is not a feeling we drum up, nor gloss over painful circumstances to recite a litany of thanks with a pasted smile.

The Scriptures give us the foundation for living a continuous, thankful life. Even in the darkest times, in the center of a brutal storm, we can give thanks. 

For at the core of thankfulness, for all believers in all situations and circumstances, run two themes: Who God is. And what we receive from Him. From these two streams, all thanksgiving flows.

Thanksgiving erupts from the knowledge of our God’s character. The God we serve is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and faithful. He is righteous and good; mighty and powerful. His abundant blessings cascade over us while God’s trustworthy and true promises form solid pillars of protection around us. God labors for us, as He works all things for our good. His love, all-encompassing, unfailing, enduring, everlasting, never fades or gets used up. He does not change His mind about us. When we recognize and soak in this Love, thanks swells unbidden. Our circumstances do not mar the truth of the greatness of our Father, and as we call out thanksgiving for His attributes, our weary souls begin to breathe with renewed life and hope. 

Our hearts also respond with thanks for all we receive from God. First and foremost, “the indescribable gift” of His Son, Jesus. Through Him we receive grace, which includes being rescued, saved, forgiven, redeemed. Mind-boggling. We share in the inheritance of His kingdom; a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Jesus has opened a way for us to walk into the very presence of God, at any time, and commune with Him.

Through Jesus, we have victory over sin and death. These are realities not just for some future realm of paradise; but, they are life-giving right now. Today. In our darkest moments. In our hardest hards. 

Tho our dreams come to nothing and our happiness crumbles; tho we face a frightening prognosis or stand battle weary from the enemy’s attacks; this truth remains. This hope stands firm: we have the final victory in Jesus. Therefore, our hope in Him cannot be vanquished by anything or anyone. 

Also, we are not left alone in our struggles, but as His Spirit takes up residence within our hearts, we have a constant Companion who comforts us, guides us, testifies to us that we are God’s child. He helps us in our weakness, making the resurrection power of Jesus a reality in our daily walk.

As the fullness of these truths sink into our souls, we begin to tremble with the overwhelming wonder of it all: the glorious reality of who our God is and the overflowing blessings and benefits we have available every moment of every day. Despite our circumstances, like an awakening volcano, in our deepest places, we begin to vibrate, declaring “whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well with my soul.” And before we can understand our spirit’s jubilation, praise bursts forth and thanksgiving flows, even in “this”, as we claim who our God is and all we have in Him.

“Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, “I am strong.”
Let the poor say, “I am rich.
Because of what the Lord has done for us”
Give thanks.
-Don Moen



1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 5:20, I Chronicles 16:41, I Chronicles 23:30, Nehemiah 12:31, Exodus 34:6, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Psalm 107:8, Psalm 107:8,Colossians 1:12-14, Hebrews 12:28, I Corinthians 1:4 


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez  on Unsplash

By Reva

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